Privacy policy


Our policy is very simple, any information you give will never be given to anyone, in any way, or any form. Guaranteed!

We are committed to protecting your personal information and will keep the information you entrust to us safely and securely. This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect and the purpose for which we use it.

Information Collection & Use

We request certain personally identifiable information from you on our order form. You must provide contact information (such as name, email, and shipping address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date).

We use this information for billing purposes and to fill your orders. If we have trouble processing an order, we will use this information to contact you.

While making a purchase from, you are given the option to create a user name and password. This user name and password functionality offers our customers the ability to quickly and easily proceed through the check out process on repeat visits. We do not store your credit card information as part of this optional service.

Use of Information:

We use the information we collect from you for billing purposes and to fill your orders. We do not store your credit card information. If you have created a Username and Password to the site or if you have signed up to receive our Email Newsletter updates we may use your purchase history to personalize special offers and promotions. These offers and promotions will be delivered to you in the form of an email newsletter.

Disclosing information to others:

At no time, unless such disclosure is required by law or you specifically authorize such disclosure, will PanelCraft Pte Ltd disclose your personal information that is not publicly available to unrelated third parties.

We may employ other companies to perform functions on our behalf, including fulfilling orders, sending e-mails and postal mail, and analysing data. We will ensure that these companies only use such information under our direction to perform these functions, and that they have adequate procedures in place to deal with your data securely.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:

Your right to access this website is conditional upon your full acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

How to modify or delete your personal information or opt-out?

If you are already receiving our emails and no longer wish to receive such communications, simply follow the "unsubscribe" instructions that appear in every e-mail, or contact us at [email protected] modify subscriptions

Opt in or Opt out

If you “opt in” to receive information from us or others, you can change your mind later. If, at any time, you would like to stop receiving such information or opt out of a feature, you may notify us at [email protected].

For inquiries regarding our disclosure policy, please contact us through any of the means described below: +65 8803 1073


Terms and Conditions / Disclaimer



Applicability of the following terms and conditions

By accessing the website domains belonging or affiliated to PanelCraft Pte Ltd (hereinafter “PC“), you declare that you have understood the following terms and conditions and that you agree with them. If you do not agree with them, please do not access our websites or our affiliated media service contents.

Copyright and other Intellectual Property Rights

The whole content of the website of PC is subject to copyrights. All copyrights on the content of the website of PC remain the property of PC. Any reproduction, transfer, alteration or utilization of the website and of the logo of PC for a public and/or commercial purpose without prior written consent of PC is prohibited.

The Passion logo and all other affiliated business bearing it’s logo are registered trademark of Passion.

No statement is made of rights with respect to other trademarks, service marks or trade names whether registered or not, which may attach to certain words or signs used herein. The absence of such statement, however, in no way implies that there is no legal protection of these marks, trade names, words or signs.

Note that any product, process or technology described in these documents may be the subject to other Intellectual Property Rights reserved by PC or a third party. No right to use any of the above mentioned Intellectual Property Rights of PC, whether registered or not, is granted hereunder in any way whatsoever.


Information on the website

PC is as diligent as possible in compiling and updating the information on its website. However, PC does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information provided on its website. Equally, PC does not guarantee that this information is up to date. For questions concerning our products, their specifications and their utilization please refer to the instruction manual and/or a qualified expert of PC.

By using a link to a third party’s website you leave the website of Passion. PC has not verified the websites of third parties linked to the website of Passion and does not assume any responsibility for their content – particularly not for any offers, information and opinions contained therein.

Reservation concerning changes

All information, representations, links or other messages may be changed by Passion at any time without prior notice or explanation to the user. In particular, Passion is not obliged to remove any outdated information from its website or to expressly mark it as being outdated.

If any information in the contents breaches your or anyone else's rights or may be illegal, defamatory or otherwise should be removed, let us know immediately by e-mailing [email protected] and, where we agree, we shall do our best to remove it as soon as possible. Any such infringements are not intended.

Concerning Your Privacy

Access to this web site may be monitored by Passion. If monitored, the requesting URLs, the machine originating the request, and the time of the request, are logged for access statistics and security purposes. Your use and access of this web site constitutes your consent to such general monitoring.

Exclusion of liability

Passion excludes any and all liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind in connection with the access or the utilization of its website or single elements of it and the information provided by its website insofar as and to the extent that such exclusion is not prohibited by law. Liability claims regarding damage caused by an interruption of a part of or all functionalities of the website of Passion are excluded as well and to the same extent.

Furthermore, Passion does not assume any liability and does not guarantee that the functions on its website are free of errors, that errors are corrected or that the site or the respective server is free of viruses or any other detrimental elements.

The information on this web site is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property rights.

Specifications concerning products and applications

Passion on its website provides various technical specifications concerning the products of Passion and 3rd party products and applications related to those products. These specifications do not form part of an instruction manual for products of Passion. They do not constitute recommendations or guidance for decisions concerning the purchase of technical products. The information on the website provided by Passion only serves general information purposes; it may be subject to change at any time without prior notice to the user. Therefore, technical specifications concerning products of Passion and information about applications related to those products offered on the website may differ from realities. Binding specifications and information are only those in the instruction manual of the product purchased by the client. In these matters – particularly but not exclusively concerning the question whether a product of Passion fulfils the needs of the customer, the required technical specifications and applications – you should obtain advice from a qualified expert of Passion or one of our official product principals. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

No information published on the website of Passion constitutes a solicitation or offer, or invitation to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever; it solely serves informational and descriptive purposes. The content of any purchase contract (i.e. technical data, price and applications of the products of Passion) concerning the purchase of products of Passion is constituted only by the purchase agreement as such and integral parts thereof (Specifications on the website never form part of a contract).


Passion thanks you for visiting its web site and affiliated web sites. Because we are committed to respecting the privacy of our web site visitors, this web site Privacy Policy describes the information we may collect from you during your visit to our site, how we may use it, and how we will protect the information which you may opt to provide. This policy explains the efforts to balance our business interests in collecting and using the information we receive from you with your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information that you share with us. Please note that by accessing and using this web site you automatically consent to us using any information provided by you in line with this policy.

Personally Identifiable Information

Personally identifiable information includes your name, address, e-mail address or any other information which might reasonably be used to identify you individually. Passion collects personally identifiable information from web site visitors only when it is voluntarily provided. Passion will not otherwise collect this information from you on our web site.

At those portions of our web site where we provide you with the option to input personally identifiable information, we notify you of the uses we intend to make of that information in any given instance. When Passion receives personally identifiable information, we may use it for reasonable business purposes, just as non-Internet businesses do. For example, we may use this information to contact you, via e-mail or regular mail, to provide you with information we believe may be of interest. Personally identifiable information will not be sold or rented by Passion.

Collective/Aggregate Data

The Passion web site may also collect information from you that is not personally identifiable. For example, we might track information about the date and time visitors access our site, the type of web browser they used, and the web site from which they connected to our site. Our web sites collect this information by depositing certain bits of information called "cookies" in a visitor's computer. This technology does not collect an individual visitor's personally identifiable information. Rather, this information is collected in an aggregate form. The cookies can tell us how and when pages in a web site were visited and by how many people. This aggregate information will enable us to improve our web sites to serve and inform you better. It also may allow you to shortcut access to points of interest on our web site when you re-enter our system. Attaching this device to your system has no effect on how it performs.

Links to Other Sites

As a resource to our visitors, Passion may provide links to other web sites. We try to carefully choose web sites, which we believe are useful and meet our high standards for the accuracy and utility of information. However, because web site design and content can change so quickly, we cannot guarantee the standards of every web site to which we link. Likewise, we are not responsible for the content of any non- Passion site. We also cannot guarantee the privacy policies of these other sites and suggest you check the privacy policies of those sites directly.


If you wish to stop receiving any e-mails or other communications from Passion which may be sent to you in the future based on your request for this information, or if you have submitted personally identifiable information through a Passion web site and would like to have that information deleted from our records, please notify us via the contact form on the this site. Your wishes in these matters will be honoured.


Passion will make every effort to maintain the accuracy and confidentiality of any personal information you supply to us. If you wish to make additions or other corrections to the information that you have sent in, please transmit it to us via the contact form on the site.


All information transmitted to this Passion web site is secure to the extent possible using existing technology. Unauthorised third parties should not be able to access it during transmission. We will store the information that you share with us securely and will take appropriate steps to protect it from unauthorised access or disclosure. While no security steps can offer 100 percent protection, we utilise state-of-the-art technology and systems to prevent unauthorised access to the information we hold. We will limit access to this information to those Passion personnel with a need to know. We educate our staff about their duty to protect your privacy.


Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated promptly at this location. Please check the privacy policy periodically to review any changes that may have been made.

Thank you for visiting the Passion web site. We value your interest and ideas. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the use of information provided to Passion via an Internet site, please contact us via the contact form on the site.

Governing law

The Agreement is governed by Singapore law notwithstanding the jurisdiction where you are based. You irrevocably agree that the courts of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Terms of use and for those purposes irrevocably submit all disputes to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts. The place of performance shall be Singapore.

Passion provides no warranty or guarantee that the Website or information available on it complies with laws other than those of Singapore.

We cannot cover all situations where injury or death may occur. USERS MUST USE GOOD JUDGMENT AND AVOID HAZARDS AND DANGERS that they may encounter when using it. By purchasing it, you accept the inherent risks of operating this product. We will not be held responsible for death or injures relating to our products. User will be fully responsible for his/her own safety while using it. We suggest user to use protective gear when handling it.


PanelCraft PTE LTD provides notice that the opinions expressed in the Information Central do not necessarily represent the views of PanelCraft PTE LTD. PanelCraft PTE LTD specifically disclaims and denies any endorsement or suggestion of content provided by third parties.

Errors and Omissions

Periodically changes are made to the information contained in this Internet site. PanelCraft PTE LTD assumes no responsibility for and disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions on this site or on related sites which may be discovered through this Internet site. Although the PanelCraft PTE LTD site includes links providing direct access to other Internet sites, PanelCraft PTE LTD takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those sites, and does not exert any editorial or other control over those sites.

International Visitors

This Internet site is available internationally and may contain references to products or services not available in all countries. A reference to a particular product or service does not imply that PanelCraft PTE LTD intends to make such products or services available in such countries. This Internet site was developed in Singapore in accordance with and use of this site shall be governed by the laws of Singapore

Links to Third Party Sites

Some links on the PanelCraft PTE LTD site will let you leave PanelCraft PTE LTD's site. The linked sites are not under the control of PanelCraft PTE LTD is not responsible for the contents of any linked or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. PanelCraft PTE LTD is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by PanelCraft PTE LTD of the site or its contents unless so noted. You are subject to the linked sites privacy policy when you leave our site.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall PanelCraft PTE LTD or any of its affiliates, or the officers, directors, employees, members, or agents of each of them, be liable for any damages of any kind, including without limitation any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages, whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages, and on any theory of liability whatsoever, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of or performance of this Internet site.

The forgoing policies are currently in effect. PanelCraft PTE LTD reserves the right to change this policy at any time.